Mission Canyon Area Information
Mission Canyon contains the wooded hilly area beginning at the Old Mission and extending along Foothill Road, east into Mission Canyon Road and Las Canoas Road. A popular spot as an entry-point for weekend foothill hiking, it is one of the most rustically beautiful, yet fire-prone areas of Santa Barbara due to heavy natural vegetation.
Mission Canyon History
Mission Canyon, which with the Old Mission complex and the area bounded on the south by Mission Street, make up Santa Barbara’s “Mission district”, is unique. No residential neighborhood in the city boasts a richer historical background, or offers more relics and landmarks of old Spanish days. Read More History
Neighborhood Association
The area encompassed is generally north of the Old Mission, east of Alamar, south of the National Forest and west of the City boundaries extending along Foothill Lane. The Association is governed by a Board of Directors, selected by vote of the Association’s Members at the annual meeting, according to the Mission Canyon Association By-Laws. Mission Canyon Association Website
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